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More detailed view of the city is possible in the web version. In order to enter a new construction data, simply click on a specific area on the map and choose from the building height options which are 0-5, 5-15, 15+. Thus, the three-di-

mensional image of the newly formed building will come to a standstill. In ad-

dition, pre-existing buildings in Istanbul can be seen as wireframes in the web version.

The mobile version is mainly designed and developed for new building data entry. Whether you are traveling in the city, on the street or in the traffic, with just a few clicks, you can enter new data. Therefore, a simpler map out of the web version comes out.



In order to create this collective artwork, we need your contribution. It is possible to pro-

vide information to the Kolektif Ä°stanbul website by entering both on the phone and on your computer. The city will be shaped with the new building construction data, which will provide you with only a few clicks over the Istanbul map to be displayed.

In order to get more information, watch & enjoy our video!


A collective artwork

Kolektif Ä°stanbul is a collective work of art. This world will be shaped by the common contributions of the people living in Ä°stanbul and it will be a virtual reflection of the city that will be with the ongoing structural changes in Istanbul. In this way, the inhabitants of the city are sometimes a little more aware of the major structural chan-ges that are happening at the beginning and perhaps aimed at one-day stops.



We are team friends who are involved in CS450 coded Art and Computing co-urse at Sabancı University (İstanbul, Turkey) and have common interests in re-lated fields such as environment, nature, water, recycling and urban transfor-mation.

Berke Difyeli 
Computer Science & Engineer
Nesli Malkoç
Visual Arts & Communication Designer

My interests include mobile apps, cyber security, augmented reality, new media and techno music. At the same time, I have the view that art and culturally people make their lives livable. Establishing a small team, startup, which will facilitate people's future life on current topics.


I am a Visual Arts and Communication Design student at Sabancı University. My interests include environment, sustainable life, cinema, art theory and art criti-

cism. In the future, I aim to work professionally in the areas of three-dimensi-onal character design, animation, and motion graphics. Mobile/web versions and their visual elements such as logos, building textures are designed by me. In addition, the design of this website, which we discus-sed in detail with our project, was made by me.




Please do not hesitate to write to us for your

suggestions and questions!


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